JSC FPC is aware of its high responsibilities to all stakeholders and strives to maintain an ongoing constructive dialogue with them. The Company is focused on meeting the expectations of all stakeholders in its integrated sustained economic, social and environmental development.
Stakeholder engagement mechanisms
Engagement approaches and mechanisms
Key communication channels
Internal stakeholders
Our people
Labour relations under the Collective Bargaining Agreement
Management functions
Social partnership
Personnel development
Corporate surveys
Reporting to a stakeholder
Procedure for dispute settlement
Employee recognition and commendation
Addresses from top management
Corporate publications
Corporate website
Social networks, Telegram channels
Governance and control bodies
Descriptions of governance and control bodies, as well as interaction principles and governance procedures, are set forth in JSC FPC’s Articles of Association and other internal documents of the Company. For more details, please see the Corporate Governance Model and Practice section of the Report
Management reporting and financial statements
Ongoing interaction within business processes
External stakeholders
Open communication during general meetings of shareholders
Reporting to a stakeholder
Disclosure of material facts of the Company’s operations
Mandatory disclosure, including issuer reports, RAS and IFRS financial statements, statements of material facts, registers of affiliates through an authorised disclosure agency (http://disclosure.skrin.ru/disclosure/7708709686)
Voluntary disclosure of additional information on the Company’s website (https://fpc.ru)
Meetings of the parent company’s management with the Company’s management
Government authorities and non‑governmental organisations
Agreements on cooperation in the transportation of passengers, baggage and unaccompanied baggage on long‑distance trains
Joint participation in image‑building ceremonies and business events at the federal and regional levels
Responding to requests from government authorities
Submission of financial, statistical and environmental reports to regulatory authorities
Publication of reports on the Company’s operations
Business partnerships
Contractual relations
Development and signing of co‑operation agreements
Regular working meetings
Joint working groups with Russian and foreign project partners
Participation in conferences and forums
Publication of information on the Company’s operations on the corporate website and dedicated procurement sites
Mass media
Consumers and customers
Passenger service
Catering on trains
Passenger satisfaction surveys
Marketing campaigns
Informing on the Company’s operations
Charity events
Volunteer events
Feedback channels:
Questionnaire survey
Single help desk
Mobile app
Company’s website
Public reporting by the Company
Infotainment system “Poputchik” (Fellow Passenger)
Media and NGOs
Press releases and other materials with information on JSC FPC’s activities
Responding to requests from the media
Media assistance during filming at infrastructure facilities
Company’s website
Mass media
Industry‑specific media
Social networks, Telegram channels
Events for external audiences
Educational institutions
Targeted admission of students
Vocational guidance
Benefits for JSC FPC employees’ children
Joint research and cultural initiatives
Participation of JSC FPC’s employees in school activities
Company’s website
Mass media
Social networks of the Company and educational institutions
Social partnership actors
Engagement with trade unions in the social protection of employees and non‑working retirees