Risk Management
Risk Management System
Risk management at JSC FPC is a continuous and systematic process embedded throughout the organisation, integrated with business processes and aimed at mitigating exposure and strengthening the assurance that the objectives and goals of the Company will be achieved.
All units and divisions are involved in the risk management process within their scope of responsibility. The Risk Management Department is responsible for the overall coordination and methodological support of the risk management process, the creation and submission of reports to the management, and the risk management training for the Company's personnel.
The following documents serve as the foundation for risk management at JSC FPC:
- Risk Management Policy of JSC FPCApproved by the resolution of the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 11 dated 27 December 2019).
- Methodological recommendations for determining the acceptable risk profile (risk appetite)Approved by the decision of the Board of Directors (Minutes No. 24 dated 2 July 2020).
- Methodological recommendations on risk management and internal controlApproved by Order of the General Director of JSC FPC No. 258r dated 20 March 2020.
- Regulations on interaction in the risk management and reporting processApproved by Order of the General Director of JSC FPC No. 258r dated 20 March 2020.
In 2023, JSC FPC managed corporate‑wide risks in accordance with the mentioned regulations. Lower‑level operational risks were managed in a simplified manner, with limited procedures.
The Internal Audit Department is responsible for assessing the RM&ICS system reliability and effectiveness.
Management principles
The Board of Directors approved the Risk Management and Internal Control Policy of JSC FPC (hereinafter, the Policy), which was developed in accordance with the Risk Management and Internal Control Policy of the parent company.
In accordance with the Policy, the main purpose of the RM&ICS is to provide reasonable assurance that the following will be achieved:
- Strategic objectives
- Operational objectives
- Objectives in ensuring compliance with applicable international regulations, regulations of the Russian Federation and internal regulations of the Company
- Objectives in ensuring the reliability, timeliness and quality of all types of reporting
The Risk Management and Internal Control Policy stipulates that RM&ICS organisation and functioning in the Company is to be carried out in accordance with the principles set out in GOST R ISO 31000‑2019 Risk Management. Principles and guidelines, namely:
- Risk management creates and protects value
- Risk management is an integral part of all organisational processes
- Risk management is part of the decision‑making process
- Risk management is explicitly associated with uncertainty
- Risk management is systematic, structured and timely
- Risk management is based on the best available information
- Risk management is adaptable
- Risk management takes into account human and cultural factors
- Risk management is transparent and takes into account the interests of stakeholders
- Risk management is dynamic, iterative and responsive to changes
- Risk management contributes to the continuous improvement of the organisation
Main objectives of the RM&ICS
- Creation of infrastructure and a regulatory and methodological basis for the effective functioning of the risk management process
- Integration of risk management and internal control procedures into the strategic and operational activities of the Company, which will enable proactive responses to risks and negative changes in the external and internal environment (through planning and implementation of risk treatment activities)
- Awareness‑building among RM&ICS participants and other stakeholders
- Reduction in the number of unforeseen events that could have a negative impact on the achievement of JSC FPC’s goals
- Central decision‑making bodies for risk management are its Board of Directors and the General Director The Audit and Risk Committee of the Board of Directors and the Risk Management Committee, a collegial advisory body consisting of the relevant heads of FPC’s divisions and chaired by the Deputy General Director, function to develop recommendations for management decision‑making
Improvement of the RM&ICS in 2023
Though 2023 was a challenging year, FPC's risk management system still facilitated increased adaptability of the Company, its core processes and systems. In turn, this made it possible to promptly adjust business objectives and form scenario options for the development of JSC FPC until 2025. Thus, the risk management system supported the achievement of the Company's objectives.
During 2023, the Programme for the Development of the Risk Management and Internal Control System at FPC JSC for 2023 was put in force, aiming to develop and improve the effectiveness of the RM&ICS:
- Approaches to identifying, analysing and assessing the Company's risks were upgraded
- Advanced training of risk owners was provided through one of the country's leading educational institutions
- Automation of the risk management process continued, including the development and implementation of an automated risk indicator monitoring panel
The Internal Audit Department assessed the reliability and efficiency of the risk management and internal control process for 2023. Based on the results of the assessment, a conclusion was drawn that the risk management and internal control process at JSC FPC is functioning in accordance with the principles and approaches approved by the Board of Directors, COSO documents and GOST R ISO 31000‑2019. To further improve the efficiency of the risk management and internal control process, a number of relevant recommendations were prepared and an Action Plan was developed to eliminate the identified violations, deficiencies and improve the risk management and internal control systems; all items of the action plan were implemented.
RM&ICS Improvement plans for 2024:
- To develop the risk management system in line with the realisation of the project to improve and develop the integrated risk management model of the parent company
- To finalise methodological materials in the area of risk management
- To upgrade the skills and expertise of the staff involved at various levels
- To continue to automate the risk management process
- To further improve approaches to identifying, analysing and assessing the Company’s risks
Three lines of defence model
In its operations, JSC FPC uses an approach driven by Three Lines of Defence Model, which is based on roles and responsibilities sharing. Each of three lines increases the likelihood of JSC FPC successfully achieving its objectives.
Risk treatment methods applied
- Risk avoidance – withdrawing from an activity or project associated with a particular (inherent) risk where other treatment strategies (risk mitigation, risk sharing, risk acceptance) are not economically viable or feasible. Given that any activity of the Company is associated with risks and complete withdrawal from any activity leads to its discontinuation, this strategy can be used to manage individual, specific risks (and/or new activities, projects).
- Risk mitigation – risk treatment involving activities to reduce the likelihood of a risk event and/or the potential impact of its occurrence to an acceptable level. Risk mitigation activities may include both the deployment and execution of control procedures and the implementation of other measures (e.g., creating provisions to cover losses caused by a risk event).
- Risk acceptance – method which involves no active risk treatment. It is used when:
- the level of risk is at an acceptable level
- risk avoidance, risk mitigation, risk sharing is economically inefficient or impossible (e.g., political or macroeconomic risks)
- Risk sharing – transfer of a risk where the Company’s risk mitigation is ineffective, while the level of risk is not acceptable (the risk cannot be accepted) and third‑party services can be used for risk treatment. Risk sharing is mainly aimed to mitigate the consequences rather than the likelihood of risk occurrence.

Risk management structure
Risk management process stages
In line with the Policy, the risk management process at JSC FPC has five stages:
1. Risk identification
2. Risk analysis and assessment
3. Risk treatment
4. Monitoring and review
5. Communication and consultation
As part of these processes, risk reports are prepared to be submitted to the executive bodies, Audit and Risk Committee, the Company’s Board of Directors and external stakeholders (if necessary), including information on risks, risk treatment measures and effectiveness of the RM&ICS.
Risk register
In 2023, risk aggregation was done to capture risks at the corporate level. Some of them remained in FPC's risk register, while others were taken into account as risk factors or consequences of other risks. The remaining risks are excluded from FPC's risk register due to their low or zero probability of realisation. The following year‑on‑year changes were recorded:
- The total number of risks in the register decreased from 104 to 23
- The number of key risks increased from 8 to 12
- The number of risk owners was reduced to 15, with the heads of the remaining divisions involved in the risk management process as those responsible for key indicators and implementation of risk management measures.
Thus, as a result of the work carried out in 2023 to improve the RM&ICS and the risk management process in terms of risk identification, analysis and assessment (approaches to risk identification, analysis and assessment changed) and risk aggregation, a completely new risk register of JSC FPC was made, which is not comparable with the previous one in terms of both quantity and quality.
Key risks
The key risk register of JSC FPC for 2023 contains 12 risks which have been identified based on their impact on the achievement of the Company's goals and grouped into categories by business process.
Risk map
Risk map was designed to visualise the significance of risks in the Company. The Y‑axis of the risk map displays the magnitude (degree) of the impact of identified risks on JSC FPC’s operations, while the X‑axis shows the likelihood of their occurrence.
Relations of key risks and the Company’s strategy
FPC's Development Strategy until 2030 defines the following list of strategic benchmarks:
- Passenger departures
- Revenues
- Net debt/EBITDA
- Carriage acquisition volume
In 2023, the following factors had the main impact on the key performance indicators:
- Improvement of the macroeconomic situation expressed in the above‑the‑target growth of GDP, real disposable household income
- Changes in the structure of domestic traffic due to continued restrictions on flights in the south of Russia (closure of airports) and a reduction in the number of aircraft
The Strategy outlines a number of strategic projects that drive the achievement of the objectives set. FPC implements strategic initiatives while taking into consideration the macroeconomic conditions in the country and making the necessary modifications to the pace, scale and resource requirements.
Since key risks may have a significant negative impact on JSC FPC’s operations, the achievement of strategic goals, and the implementation of the Strategy, the Company pays due attention to managing its key risks. The register of key risks is approved by the General Director based on a decision of the Board of Directors (taken after the review of the register) and taking into account the opinion of the Audit and Risk Committee of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors then supervises the implementation of risk treatment measures by the divisions.
Sustainable development risks
JSC FPC also identified sustainability risks, possible consequences for the Company in case of their occurrence and developed measures to treat the same.