General Meeting of Shareholders

The General Meeting of Shareholders of JSC FPC is the highest governing body of the Company. There were four general meetings of shareholders in 2023: one annual and three extraordinary ones.

General Meetings of Shareholders held in the reporting year
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 20 January 2023
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 29 May 2023
Annual General Shareholders Meeting 30 June 2023
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 11 September 2023
Number of items reviewed 5 6
Resolutions taken by the extraordinary General Meetings of Shareholders
Date Decisions taken
20 January 2023 On determining the number, par value, class (type) of the authorised shares of JSC FPC and the rights granted by such shares
On amendments and additions to the Articles of Association of JSC FPC
29 May 2023 On early termination of powers of members of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC
On election of members of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC
11 September 2023 On approval of a major transaction
Resolutions taken at the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Date Decisions taken
30 June 2023 On approval of annual accounting (financial) statements of JSC FPC for 2022
On distribution of net profit by results of 2022
On non‑payment of dividends by results of 2022
On payment of remuneration and compensation to members of the Board of Directors of JSC FPC
On election of the Board of Directors in new composition
On approval of the new version of the Articles of Association of JSC FPC

JSC STATUS Registrar performed the functions of a counting commission at FPC’s General Shareholders Meetings. The results of the voting were announced at the in‑person meetings.