Energy Efficiency

In order to improve energy efficiency and reduce the energy intensity of production activities, the Company annually reduces costs for the use of fuel and energy resources, by doing as follows:

  • Purchasing new, advanced and energy‑efficient rolling stock
  • Using energy‑saving technologies in the depot and site lighting systems (LEDs and smart control systems)
  • Upgrading and converting boilers from liquid fuels to gas
  • Equipping buildings and structures with electricity and heat metering devices
  • Installing high‑voltage charging points at passenger train preparation sites

Progress in the use of fuel and energy resources

Use of fuel and energy resources in physical terms
Resources 2021 2022 2023 vs. 2022, %
Electric energy, million kWh 111.942 113.134 114.324 101.1
Diesel fuel, ‘000 tonnes 3.139 1.646 1.334 81
Coal, ‘000 tonnes 79.198 84.627 87.365 103.2
Fuel oil, ‘000 tonnes 10.797 9.998 9.567 95.7
Natural gas, million m³ 22.917 22.744 23.709 104.2
Petrol, ‘000 tonnes 0.603 0.591 0.568 96
Briquettes, ‘000 tonnes 2.725 2.575 2.895 112.4
Pellets, ‘000 tonnes 0.452 0.280 0.165 58.9
Firewood, ‘000 m³ 0.074 0.080 0.012 14.9
Total, ‘000 TFOE 150.231 153.099 155.866 101.8
Use of fuel and energy resources in monetary terms, RUB million
Resources 2021 2022 2023 vs. 2022, %
Electric power 662.7 699.4 787.1 112.5
Diesel fuel 150.2 89.6 78.7 87.8
Coal 279.0 362.4 443.5 122.4
Fuel oil 213.2 205.9 170.1 82.6
Natural gas 139.9 148.3 167.3 112.8
Petroleum 32.8 34.0 33.0 97.1
Briquettes 22.4 25.5 31.0 121.3
Pellets 3.3 2.3 2.0 87
Firewood 0.2 0.4 0.0 4.5