Key Operational Highlights

Подвижной состав, на переднем плане трова с цветами

In 2023, the number of carried passengers increased to 112.7% on the 2022 level and to 133.1% on the 2021 level.

According to the year‑end 2023 results, passenger‑km travelled increased by 12.6% vs. 2022 and by 35.9% vs. 2021. The volume of traffic in own trains increased to 112.5% vs. 2022 and 134.9% vs. 2021. Passenger‑km travelled in trains made up in the CIS and Baltic countries totalled 116.1% on the 2022 level and 252.3% on the 2021 level.

The growth in the volume of international traffic was due to an increase in the number of regular passenger interstate trains with the Republic of Belarus, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The volume of scheduled train service with Mongolia, the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and the Republic of Tajikistan remained flat with the 2022 level.

Volume‑based indicators
Indicator 2021 2022 2023 vs. 2022, %
Billion passenger‑km travelled 67.3 81.2 91.4 112.6
On trains made up by JSC FPC 66.7 79.9 89.9 112.5
  • deregulated segment
27.1 32.9 39.2 119.2
  • domestic service
26.1 31.2 37.5 120.0
  • international service
1.0 1.6 1.7 103.9
  • regulated segment
39.6 47.1 50.8 107.8
On trains made up in the CIS and Baltic States 0.6 1.2 1.4 116.1
Passengers carried, million people 81.2 95.9 108.1 112.7
  • deregulated segment
33.8 40.5 47.3 117.0
  • regulated segment
47.4 55.5 60.7 109.5

The passenger‑km travelled in trains made up by JSC FPC increased by 12.5% vs. 2022 and drove up the carriage‑km work to 2,775.1 million carriage‑km, or by 10.0% vs. 2022. Thus, the capacity utilisation rate was 73.8%, which is 1.9 p.p. above the 2022 level and 9.6 p.p. above the 2021 level.